Alexandra and Adam

Alexandra and Adam*

Alexandra and Adam are siblings with big, happy personalities that need a family that can keep them together.


3 (Alexandra) and 2 (Adam)


White British


Birth parents follow Christianity

Keeping in touch:

Indirect contact with birth parents.

*Based on real children’s profiles. Names and photos have been changed to protect their identity.

About Us

Alexandra is happy and playful, and she is described as a joy to be around.

Alexandra can be shy initially when she first meets new people, but she very quickly becomes a confident little girl once reassured. Alexandra has an infectious laugh and loves to have cuddles. She loves singing, dancing, and joining in with nursery rhymes. Alexandra likes to play outside and in the sand pit.

Adam has a cheeky grin and an infectious laugh and is always giggling at something.

Adam is described as a playful little boy who has an inquisitive nature. He likes to be involved in what is going on and always appears happy. Adam is a very tactile and affectionate child who loves cuddles and being close to his caregivers.

Adam likes water play and interactive toys. He also enjoys spending time at the park with his sister.

Adam also like to go swimming and playing games with other children.


Alexandra has had some delayed speech and has been referred to speech and language for support. However, her speech is developing very quickly now.

Adam is generally a fit and well child, and he is meeting his developmental milestones.

Can you be Alexandra and Adam’s family?

Alexandra and Adam need a family that can parent them with a therapeutic approach. To find out more about Alexandra and Adam and how you could become an adopter, please contact us.

Get the facts from us, contact us today or call us on 01902 55 3818.