


7 years old


White British/Black Caribbean


Amelia celebrates birthdays and Christian festivals including Christmas and Easter.

Keeping in touch:

Annual indirect contact with birth parents and foster carers. Direct or indirect contact with birth siblings placed with another adopter.

*Based on real children’s profiles. Names and photos have been changed to protect their identity.

About Me

Amelia is very fashion-conscious and likes to wear a range of outfits with matching headbands.

Her foster carers say that Amelia is a pleasure to look after. She’s a little girl who likes to receive affection and is said to be a loving, caring, and an attentive child.

Amelia absolutely loves music and likes to have a sing and dance. She enjoys dance classes after school, and also attends regular swimming lessons and Rainbow Guides.


Amelia is a generally healthy child who is showing age-appropriate development and growth with no physical health concerns. Amelia is still developing the skills to assert herself with her peers and express her own wants and needs. She attends regular sessions with her play therapist to support her emotional wellbeing.

Could you be Amelia’s family?

To find out more about Amelia and how you could become an adopter, please contact us.

Get the facts from us, contact us today or call us on 01902 55 3818.